Safe and Welcoming Schools Resources

On February 21, 2017, the Garden Grove Unified School District Board of Education unanimously adopted Board Resolution 20, The Garden Grove Unified School District Board of Education's Ongoing Commitment to Safe and Welcoming Schools.

Resolution 20 was adopted in light of the concerns and fears many parents and students have expressed as to whether students would be allowed to continue attending school based on immigration status. As noted in the Resolution, our GGUSD schools have been and continue to be safe and welcoming schools for all students, regardless of nation of origin or immigration status. The U.S. Supreme Court, as well as federal and state law, ensure the right for all students living in the United States to attend public schools.

The Safe and Welcoming Schools Resource Packet is meant to connect families seeking assistance with questions related to their immigration status to community based or legal organizations that provide resources for immigrant families.

Supporting Our Families Flyer