Weekly Update – Virtual Learning Academy Deadline, Masks, Vaccinations, and GGUSD Success

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Dear Families,

We are grateful to be nearing the end of the 2020-2021 school year with the majority of students attending school on campus for in-person instruction. As a reminder, we will return to 5 full days of in-person instruction in the fall at all GGUSD campuses. As GGUSD schools continue to be the safest place for students to learn, GGUSD will not continue to offer a school-based distance learning option in the 2021-2022 school year. Families wishing to continue with a distance learning model may apply for our Virtual Learning Academy. The application deadline is this Friday, May 21.  

As you have likely heard, Orange County moved from the orange to the yellow tier today and COVID-19 case rates remain low. Last week, the CDC made recommendations regarding masks and those who are vaccinated but clarified this week that their guidance does not pertain to schools. The CDC acts in an advisory capacity, as health regulations remain a function of the state and county.  GGUSD must continue  to follow the guidance set forth by the California Department of Public Health and the Orange County Health Care Agency.  Governor Newsom announced mask restrictions will be eased for vaccinated individuals on June 15 at which time the Orange County Health Care Agency could amend the local mask order. For now, masks are still required in school and we expect school-specific mask guidance to come from CDPH and OCHCA in the weeks ahead.  

As a reminder, the Orange County Health Care Agency Vaccination Super Pods remain open for walk-in appointments through June 6. A list of sites, hours of operation, and vaccine information can be found at www.CovidVaccineFacts.com or by calling the County’s COVID-19 hotline at (714) 834-2000. The Pfizer vaccine has been approved for children age 12 and above.  Click here for the CDC’s online search feature that allows you to find COVID-19 vaccines near you. As a reminder, COVID-19 vaccinations are completely voluntary.  Minor children cannot get vaccinated without parental consent and must be accompanied by a parent/guardian when getting the vaccination. 

During this school year, our students and staff have consistently demonstrated grit and resiliency. Students overcame numerous obstacles created by the pandemic and continued to excel in and out of the classroom. Click here to read our School news publication which provides snapshots of success from each of our schools districtwide.
This month, we also celebrated our wonderful GGUSD employees for going above and beyond this year to support the needs of all students. Click here to watch our employee appreciation video.

As always, thank you for your continued partnership!