Intra-District Transfers


Intradistrict/Parental Choice - The Parental Choice Transfer is an opportunity for families residing within the Garden Grove Unified School District attendance boundaries to apply for enrollment at a school other than their assigned school. Parental Choice Transfers are determined by a lottery. All Parental Choice applications must be received no later than February 14, 2025, to be included in the lottery.

Intradistrict/Specified Reason is an opportunity for families residing within the Garden Grove Unified School District attendance boundaries to apply for enrollment at a school other than their assigned school for the following reasons: Childcare, Siblings, Complete School Year, Special Program, and Parent/Guardian Employment.

Please Note:

  • If the transfer is approved, the Parent/Legal Guardian must provide transportation to the requested school.
  • Transferring your child to a different school other than their assigned school may result in your child not matriculating with his/her peers.
  • GGUSD may request supporting documentation be submitted to the Office of Student Services before GGUSD can approve a specified reason transfer. (See attached list of possible supporting documentation.)
  • Students will need to plan on attending their school of residence unless you have been notified via email that your child’s transfer has been approved.
  • All Intradistrict transfers must be resubmitted in transition years - 6th grade to 7th grade and 8th grade to 9th or if you move.