Twenty-one GGUSD Schools Awarded for PBIS Excellence

PBIS - Students at BRyant

Twenty-one schools in the Garden Grove Unified School District received awards for excellence in implementing PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports). PBIS helps schools promote positive student behavior and a warm and welcoming school climate and culture. The 2023-2024 awards from the California PBIS Coalition recognize schools that are among the best in California at applying PBIS strategies to promote positive school climate and positive student behavior. 

GGUSD schools that received the Platinum Implementation Award include Bryant Elementary Arts Academy, Stanley Elementary, Heritage Computer Science Academy
Sunnyside Elementary, McGarvin Intermediate and Ralston Intermediate. Schools that received the Gold Implementation Award Include Cook, Garden Park, Lawrence, Paine, Patton, Rosita, Wakeham, and Woodbury elementary schools as well as Bell and Doig intermediate schools. Crosby, Enders, and Evans elementary schools received the Silver Implementation Award and Newhope and Riverdale elementary schools received the Bronze Implementation Award.

“PBIS is a very important program to ensuring our schools carry out our district goals of fostering a warm and welcoming culture and climate and supporting student well-being,” said Board of Education President Teri Rocco. “We are proud that our schools are among the very best in the state at creating positive school communities where students feel happy and supported at school.”