Valedictorians and Salutatorians Named
- Friday, July 5, 2013
- Bolsa Grande High, Garden Grove High, Hare Continuation High, La Quinta

Garden Grove Unified School District high schools have selected their best and brightest of the 2013 senior class to be honored as valedictorians and salutatorians for upcoming graduation exercises.
The top seniors named as valedictorians, with their college choices, are: Bolsa Grande High School – Patrick Jeon (UC Berkeley) and Katrina Nguyen (UC San Diego); Garden Grove High School – Julie Tran (UCLA) and Henry Quach (Duke University); Hare Continuation High School – Arthur Le (Golden West College); La Quinta High School – Diane Lam (UCLA), Cindy Tran (USC), and Yvette Tran (UC Berkeley); Los Amigos High School – Trisha Vo (University of the Pacific) and Freddi Tran (UCLA); Pacifica High School – Derek Nguyen (UCLA); Rancho Alamitos High School – Andy Vu (Stanford University); and Santiago High School – Joseph Schatzlein (UCLA).
This year’s salutatorians are: Bolsa Grande High School – Elizabeth Dao (UCLA); Garden Grove High School – Amy Lam (UCLA), Hugh Dang (UCLA), and Michael Nguyen (Brown University); Hare Continuation High School – Derek Do Nguyen (Coastline Community College); Los Amigos High School – Austin Hoang (UCLA); Pacifica High School – Linh Thao Chung (UC Berkeley); Rancho Alamitos High School – Kati Nguyen (UCLA); and Santiago High School – Danny Pham (UCLA).
Graduation programs are scheduled on June 13 and June 18-19 for more than 3,700 students of high schools and adult education in the district.
Commencement ceremonies for district intermediate schools are planned for June 19.
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